
Qatar keen on enhancing international development and humanitarian cooperation

She State of Qatar renewed its strong condemnation of the grave violations by the Israeli occupation forces and the crimes they commit against the Palestinian people as well as the continuation of the aggression against Palestinian cities and regions that led to fallen martyrs and injured, called on the international community to act urgently to provide the necessary protection for the Palestinian people, obligate Israel to stop its flagrant violations of international law, and compel it to respect the resolutions of international legitimacy.

Qatar Confirms Importance of Family Role in Improving Digital Environment for Children

During a side event on the family and child rights protection in a digital environment, the State of Qatar stressed the important role played by the family, as the main unit on which society is based, in supporting the promotion and protection of the rights of its members, and as the natural environment for the growth and well-being of children,

Qatar Calls for Serious Action Against Islamophobia

During a side event to celebrate the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the State of Qatar has called for effective measures to combat Islamophobia and all forms of intolerance, by everyone, regardless of their religion or background.

Qatar Affirms Taking Many Measures Protecting Children Against Dangers of Internet

During the interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, the State of Qatar reiterated the need to effectively prevent and respond to violence against children given the multiplicity of manifestations of that violence and its diversity through the internet and beyond

Qatar Renews Condemnation of Burning Quran in Some Western Countries

The State of Qatar pointed in its statement to the opening of the United Nations House in Doha including representative offices of a number of international organizations and UN agencies, which will enhance their ability to implement their regional and international activities and programmes